When Meat & Livestock Australia launched its annual Australia Day ad proposing that New Zealand and Australia merge to form, ‘New Australia-Land’, we discovered that the Aussies had forgotten to register a domain for  newaustralialand.com.au .


Australians and New Zealanders have always enjoyed a rich history of rivalry. We argue over everything from sport to the origins of Crowded House, which nationality can claim Russell Crowe, and even who invented the pavlova.

It seems that whenever a success story emerges from our Tasman waters, Australia is quick to lay claim to it. So how do you respond when Australia tries to claim your entire country?

When Meat & Livestock Australia launched its annual Australia Day ad proposing that New Zealand and Australia merge to form, ‘New Australia-Land’, we discovered that the Aussies had forgotten to register a domain for newaustralialand.com.au.

 In 24hrs we turned newaustralialand.com.au into a hub of all the wonderful and unique things you could experience in this newly coined nation. They just all  happened to be based on the ‘eastern island’, New Zealand. Oops.

In 24hrs we turned newaustralialand.com.au into a hub of all the wonderful and unique things you could experience in this newly coined nation. They just all happened to be based on the ‘eastern island’, New Zealand. Oops.

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